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The Fall of a Parasitic Nation and the Rise of Black America. Available now.

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Darkness Awakens available now to purchase. Order now.

The next novel by author, screenwriter, and filmmaker Michael J. Williams titled Darkness Awakens. A female alien-human hybrid battle a team of super synthesized Anabolic Steroid-induced female assassins. This will be the third novel by author, screenwriter, and filmmaker Michael J. Williams and his seventh book of fiction. A tentative release date for his third novel and first in a series of books titled The Dark Saga due out late summer of 2020.




Fiction Books for Sale – Novels – Short Stories

All seven books available now.
Book Series II

Books and Series Titles

The Chronicles of the Parasitic

“The Chronicles of the Parasitic” A four-part series about multiple stories of everyday people struggling to make it in life while also dealing with outside forces that are determined to enforce their brutal and inhumane ideology and doctrine onto an oppressed people until the people decide to rise and fight against those in power and prove to the world that unity and peace are possible.

Book I: The South Beach Slayer

Book II: America Amerikkka Америка

Book III: Parasitic Predators

Book IV: Parasitic

The Chronicles of the Parasitic Trailer

The Nick Frost Chronicles

“The Nick Frost Chronicles” A three-part series about veteran FBI Agent Nick Frost and his quest to uphold the law and ensure that American Democracy will prevail and that the Republic will not fail or falter as those who are out to circumvent the law and destroy the nation never stop in their quest to rule the world and control the minds of the people. FBI Agent Nick Frost must do whatever it takes to not only save but preserve the union and all that it stands for.

Book I: The Patriot Complex

Book II: “Untitled”

Book III: “Untitled”

The Nick Frost Chronicles

The Chronicles of the Drake Empire and the Relics of the Gods

“The Chronicles of the Drake Empire and the Relics of the Gods” A three-part series about powerful and mythical relics and demonic beasts and spiritual creatures that are being used by evil and evil forces to destroy the world and remake and transform the world into a place of darkness and despair. Where evil rules and light and hope and goodness is extinguished for good. A mysterious billionaire is determined to make sure that evil does not win and that these powerful and mythical beings and their weapons and relics are not used to destroy the world. The only problem is. That the mysterious billionaire’s intentions may seem honest and legit and noble but wealth, power, and vast amounts of money are also at stake. No one knows if the mysterious billionaire is out to save the world or only enrich his bank account and control these mythical beings to do the bidding of the elite.

Book I: Longinus

Book II: “Untitled”

Book III: “Untitled”

The Chronicles of the Drake Empire and the Relics of the Gods Trailer
The Future of Storytelling Trailer #2

The Dark Saga

“The Dark Saga” book series is about alien-human hybrids created to build an unstoppable army to help the white plague continue to rule the world with its iron fist of hate, racism, and destruction. These alien-human hybrids created to do the bidding of a murderous parasitic plague must discover their humanity if the world is to survive the coming apocalypse.

Book I: Darkness Awakens

The Fall of a Parasitic Nation and the Rise of Black America.

When the science and medical communities discover a parasite hiding in plain sight that has been devastating and slowly killing humanity for centuries with no known cure in sight. Many political and military experts and strategists believe that the hope to save humanity is in the newly discovered empowerment of Black America.

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